Friday, February 27, 2009

i need to study

i won't be updating for about one month because i need to study.
exam coming soon...*sigh*

gonna study

exam is in the corner.
need to study.
*sob sob.
anyway...just receive 2 cats...kittens....VEERRYY CUUTTEEE!!!!!!!
they keep looking at me with their big gu gu eyes!!!!its like they are saying "are you gonna eat me?"i was like ah~~~SSOOOO CCUUTTEEE!!!!!!!
anyway soonneerrr or llaatteeerrr....they are going to say"food......ffoooddd....FFFOOODD!!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

AAHHH!!!! i just love them


nothing much happened this week. oh ya!
let me tell you a story. (i've been living here for about 5 years)
one fine day, i was walking outside to give my neighbor newspaper. then suddenly the dogs bark and show their stinky teeth at me like i am some kind of stranger. so anyway, as i was lifting the newspaper(to hit the dogs...hehe)i saw the owner standing there looking at me. opps!!
anyway i smile sweeetly(evilly) at the owner then walk away. at that time, i was plotting ways to kill the dogs without leaving too much evidence.

Ways To Kill Doggys
  1. to put poison in food. then to be fed to the dogs.(the poisons are expensive) OUT!!
  2. to rear lions. tiger also can(too much evidents. their remains...)OUT!!!
  3. by using gun(waayyy too much evidents)OUT!!!
  4. barbecue it(their who would wan to eat the filthy dogs?...*evil grin)OUT!!!
ugh...*ing dogs. i hate my neighbor's dog. hope the dogs die earlier.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

which do you prefer?

choose one then write in the comment

i got sick...again.

i need to do homework. i won't update until next week. until then there will be a lot of pic. hehe.

Friday, February 20, 2009

one piece-zoro(i love him)
skip beat(very funny)
aww~~so sweet

detective conan

by the way...i got read comments

i love them

i got sick yesterday...

it sucks.
let me tell you what happened during the time i'm in Bintulu
the first day i only slept for two hours...let me tell you ...the *ing birds no need to sleep...or maybe they take turn to disturb me. one day i'm gonna kill them all. AHAHAHAHA
anyway....there's this prank call...(in every room got phone) they call my room really early and say"quick go to the lobby now. the teacher is giving us ceramah!!!" then we go like..REALLY?? my roommates and i quickly get dressed then went downstairs. when we got downstairs, there's no one there....i was like what the fridge. dann them. when i went back to my room, i saw an open door. that time i was in a bad mood. i went inside then ask angrily" are you the one who called us just now?" they quickly denied. (yeah i'll believe that.) anyway....i saw a person talking on the phone. so i told them if they play prank again, they won't sleep through tonight.

my roommates and i went investigate. we found out that there's some other room that are playing prank call with us. so it's payback time. we call them them use a record that sounded like someone screaming the put down the phone. for quite some time they didn't call.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

i'll use him to assassinate her

i HATE the nurse

some day ....i'm gonna give injection in the wrong place
let her feel how it hurts!!!!!

anyone read penguin revolution??
very nice....i love it.

i love pics

don't get me wrong...i don't watch gundum. i just like the pic

i only blog once a week

unlike somebody~~i cannot online everyday
anyway~~anyone who read this blogz...
go and read skip beat, one piece, bleach and a lot more....

sssoooo.......i was talking about the injection right~~~ssoooo...the next day....most of our class got sick.*cough cough*. so nice hoh. the boy i want to kill also got sick and went home. hehe.

oh ya...did i told you.....please dont mind about the smelly languish

frigging injection

i just finish taking injections yesterday....
it sucks.....
i think the bloody nurse injected wrong.....
now still hurts


hello. just starting to blog.