Thursday, February 26, 2009


nothing much happened this week. oh ya!
let me tell you a story. (i've been living here for about 5 years)
one fine day, i was walking outside to give my neighbor newspaper. then suddenly the dogs bark and show their stinky teeth at me like i am some kind of stranger. so anyway, as i was lifting the newspaper(to hit the dogs...hehe)i saw the owner standing there looking at me. opps!!
anyway i smile sweeetly(evilly) at the owner then walk away. at that time, i was plotting ways to kill the dogs without leaving too much evidence.

Ways To Kill Doggys
  1. to put poison in food. then to be fed to the dogs.(the poisons are expensive) OUT!!
  2. to rear lions. tiger also can(too much evidents. their remains...)OUT!!!
  3. by using gun(waayyy too much evidents)OUT!!!
  4. barbecue it(their who would wan to eat the filthy dogs?...*evil grin)OUT!!!
ugh...*ing dogs. i hate my neighbor's dog. hope the dogs die earlier.

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