Tuesday, April 21, 2009


the essay down there.
please write down comment.


It was, yet again a quiet and a peaceful night. I was sitting by the window, staring into the night, amazed by the beauty of the moonlight. It is no doubt, the mistress of the night. Then, brutally, the silence was wretched by the sound of barking and snarling dogs accompanied by weird sounds.

“They are coming. Quick! To the back door! Anita, take Lucy with you!” my father cried desperately. “Now go! I’ll be fine.” He smiled, uncertainly. Then lead us outside, quickly.

Minutes after father closed the doors, I heard shouts. Then gunshots. I started to cry. But my mother remained strong. The back door burst opened. My heart skipped a beat when a person came through.

My eyes were filled with tears of joy as I realized that it was my father. My mother rushed to him and hugged him. My father hugged back. Everything was going to be fine until I heard another gunshot. This time nearer.

I screamed. My mother screamed. My father was falling backwards. Blood seeped through his shirt, dripping onto the ground.

Then everything went black.

Flashbacks of those thoughts were stopped when I heard that repetitive, loud noises. Without wasting another second of my time, I rushed outside of the house using the back door. Hoping that they weren’t there.

I opened the door and…

“SURPRISED!!!” everyone shouted. Everyone, my mother, my father, my friends, my neighbors…

“Happy 15th birthday Lucy!” my mother and father said. With that, I burst out crying.

“ Oh no. See, I told you we over did it. Lucy, we’re sorry. We over did it.” One of my friend said. I ignored her and went hugging everyone, saying thank you to them.

Monday, April 20, 2009

continue hari bermuafakatan

then dad starting to tell the teacher about my sisters
" two of my daughters are in Australia. another one in Kuala Lumpur. " pointing me "her older sister got JPA"
then the teacher asked what my father's occupation. my father replied and gave the teacher a business card.
....then they talked....and signed my report card then go home.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

hari bermuafakatan

i just went to school today, Saturday, 18 April 2009.
hari bermuafakatan....
it was ok... and is quite weird and fun....
at first my dad and the teacher stand up and greeted each other.
then the teacher start asking my dad about me at house. i though my dad was going to say that i am very lazy, useless, always playing computes and watching tv. but it turn out that dad ACTUALLY...actually....say that i am quite hardworking.....

.....i lazy to write.....
write about it next week

Monday, April 13, 2009


there's a scar....
right at my left cheek.
my cat, very smart....plan to attack at the right time.
it can become the future general already...i'll vote for it
i think it make plans to scratch me....~.~....
my poor poor cheek.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


stupid stupid line!!!!
the internet is moving super slow....
when i have to upload one page, i can go brush my teeth, prepare some food to eat, go take a bath, do my homework then go click another page and start all over again.
i won't be online for a few months, maybe.
cause i got tired of waiting.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Cold...very cold....

i opened my eyes. i see blackness. what happened? why can't i see? why am i feeling so cold?
i'm scared. someone help me. anyone... help me...brother help me...

"how is she?"
"terrible. i don't think she is going to make it."
"can't you do anything"
"no. i tried everything. i...i'm sorry"
"then try again! you are the best doctor in this kingdom... no! try again."
the doctor shake his head. he said "you can't force me. i have tried. there is no cure. i'm sorry"
the doctor walk away, leaving the man alone with his sister one last time.
"why? why did everyone i love have to go? why?"
with those words, he broke down into tears.
"i can help you..."
the man look around, bewildered. my imagination? he thought
"no. it is not your imagination. i will help you."
three years later.

she can feel it. she can control it.
she moved my hand. the water followed.
she smile

it has been three years since my brother had died. at the funeral i didn't cry or feel sad. i don't know why. but i have a feeling that my he is still live somewhere out there.

i will continue later...


my hand is covered with scars...
because i have been a lot of battle. the main reason is because of my neko(cat).
reason 1 : when i was playing string with it....it got over exited. it scratched me
reason 2 : when i was rubbing its belly. it got over fast. it scratched me
reason 3 : when i was massaging it, it got over comfortable. it scratched me.
reason 4 : when i was pulling its tail, it got over angry. it scratched me

anyway....the fourth one can say i deserved it. hehe.


he asked: are you scared of me, girl?
she said: i'm not scared.
then she tried to take his hand. but he....

NNOO!!!!!!! why must he die?!?!?!
wait....we're not sure yet....
UGH!!!! false hope.
oh well...i'll find another one. ^-^

Wednesday, April 8, 2009




Friday, April 3, 2009


the night

while the sun is taking a 12 hours break, the moon takes over.
it was yet again a quiet and a peaceful night. i was sitting by the window looking outside gazing at the beauty of the moonshine. it was all so peaceful...until i heard those barking.
there are various type of barking. but, i can never forget this kind of barking. the dogs bark like this because of two reasons . one is because they are chasing other dogs away from their dominion. the other is...
there it go again. those barking. without wasting another second i dash outside. wishing that i could make it in time.
please, i said to myself, not again.
i was out breath when i reached outside. then...

lazy to continue....
write comment please.
tell me if my vocab is wrong and if the story is quite interesting


my computer is moving vvveeerrrryyyyyyy sssslllllloooooooowwwwwww..............
super ssslllooowwwww.......
anyway....i'm pretty busy with my sejarah, geo and my psk projects.
there is more good thing than bad thing about doing homeworks:

bad thing first
  1. it takes all my entertainment away. NNOO!!!!!
  2. it makes me go crazy.(crying hysterically)*pulls hair*
  3. it nearly make me go jump off the roof*with my friends)* (this proof that doing projects will result death....TEACHER!!!!!.......)

good things.
  1. it give me changes to play/use the computer wisely
  2. ...while playing computer...it relieve stress(reading manga, anime, video...)
  3. anyway.....the true use of doing projects is that you'll learn more.
  4. you'll realize that after a long time using the computer to type out your projects...you'll type a lot faster before doing projects. now i can type quite fast. ahahahaha.