Friday, April 3, 2009


my computer is moving vvveeerrrryyyyyyy sssslllllloooooooowwwwwww..............
super ssslllooowwwww.......
anyway....i'm pretty busy with my sejarah, geo and my psk projects.
there is more good thing than bad thing about doing homeworks:

bad thing first
  1. it takes all my entertainment away. NNOO!!!!!
  2. it makes me go crazy.(crying hysterically)*pulls hair*
  3. it nearly make me go jump off the roof*with my friends)* (this proof that doing projects will result death....TEACHER!!!!!.......)

good things.
  1. it give me changes to play/use the computer wisely
  2. ...while playing relieve stress(reading manga, anime, video...)
  3. anyway.....the true use of doing projects is that you'll learn more.
  4. you'll realize that after a long time using the computer to type out your'll type a lot faster before doing projects. now i can type quite fast. ahahahaha.

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